Saturday, April 12, 2008

I've Caved

Well, I saw how much fun my friend Steve was having with this blog stuff, and I have finally caved to modernity. Yes, I have a blog. This should just be one more thing for me to do before I lay my head on that soft pillow at night, thus delaying me longer from my lifetime pass into dream heaven. Hopefully, I will start a habit of posting in the mornings so I don't keep my lovely wife waiting any longer than necessary. She is always so quick about getting to bed. Me, it takes at least a half hour from the time I accept the late hour to the time I actually pull over the covers. I just get too darn distracted! I hope that for those who read this (both of you), you will find it enjoyable, enlightening, and relaxing. I have always liked to tell stories (just ask my old roommates) and so I think that will be my theme. I will just talk about life and do it in a story-type way. I appologize ahead of time for spelling errors, misuse of words (I like to make up words that just sound like they should be words) and my tendency to ramble. With that being said...enjoy!

1 comment:

Wildfire said...

Wohoo!! Welcome to the clan!