Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Moving along despite the road blocks!

So we got the walls all framed in and the soffit is up. The soffit is the wall you see hanging from the ceiling. It will have pictures on it of our ice cream and there will be some lights shining on it. Should look pretty slick (we hope!). It was a bugger to get up because of all the crazy angles! It got so confusing and needless to say, we made a few mistakes, but you'll never notice!!! The plumbers also finished their rough-in and the electrician is done with his rough-in too. So things are moving forward. We were told that we would have our permits like two weeks ago, and that is why we went ahead with the construction. Then the city caught wind that we were doing the work on our own, without a general contractor, and then all of a sudden the began demanding that everything be done perfectly with the book. They are requiring that we put up a 3 foot tall, 4 foot long wall near the back door to create a 44" hallway so that we "aren't able to stack boxes in the emergency exit lane." It is absolutely ridiculous. And they even dictate what kind of door handles we have. Yep, they can't be knobs, they have to be lever handles. And we had to change a couple doors too to make them ADA compliant. That part we didn't really mind, but the city could have informed us of these silly rules when we started 3 weeks ago! They have just made life miserable. But our chins are high and our hopes even higher and all will work out for the best. 

This is our sheetrock being delivered. I remember hauling sheetrock by hand and it was always such a pain. Well these guys use this boom arm to pick up the rock, then two guys slide it onto carts, roll it to where it needs to go, and then just pick it up off the cart. It took them about 20 minutes to unload 55 sheets of rock! It was crazy! When we get all that hung, it is going to totally transform the place! 

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